Poetry: Sip and Paint

Lidocaine and lavender
3 min readJun 17, 2022

Title: “Sip and Paint” | Written: 2021 | Originally Published: Spring 2022, Avalon Literature and Arts Magazine

“Get in the car

We’re going home

You’ve done enough

And you don’t deserve to see the sun again

For a long long time

So shut it.”

Your words rattle my skull

But at least I have my headphones this time.

You don’t say that to a child

But yet you felt it was appropriate

Reteaching the lessons your parents wrote

But in a different font, from a different pain.

Your trauma influencing the brand of abuse

You were supposed to think it was cute

But it was the beginning of world war three

But it was all for you, it wasn’t for me.

Paints carpeted my bedroom floor

All in sacrifice for you and your birth

Hands stained, and back tired

Canvas covered, sealed, and signed

But it wasn inconsequential

You keep it in a box under the stairs,

And tried to take away my latrine

Eight hours of work flushed down the drain

Birthdays make my heart hurt

Mine, yours, and everybody elses

Sometimes from fear, sometimes from abandonment

You did things that people get arrested for

But it remained hidden, because I stayed silent

The threat of death on the horizon

And the fear that you would never love me again

And more, that you would finally leave a bruise

Drink disappeared during dinners

But the talk remained

Unadulterated by the liquor,

And the judgment of others

You kept your circle small, weeded out the unloyal

Only kept those who would excuse your behavior

Allow you to beat me, curse me and cheat me

And join in if they felt it was needed

It was a horror show, crying in the bathtub

Trying to take a shower, but my body too tired

To hold myself up after being belittled and burned

Hurt to the home, and the disentanglement from parentage

I never cut my skin, no scars to be found

But I opened previous wounds, made them bigger

I drew masterpieces, to infect my bloodstream

And burned my hair till it crunched louder than crackers

I dolled myself up, created a mask of colors

Red, yellow, blue, and pink, too bright too saturated

To be natural, and yet they were an inherent part of me

A fake persona, a knight in shining armor

It hurts to remember, but it hurt more to experience

The people you were told loved you more than life

Ripping your ribcage out of your chest and twisting it

Till it splintered, and then refused to acknowledge the blood

Your hands held my throat. how hard would you press

Before I would cry out, pass out, fight back?

But then you’d spike my drink with rum

And tell your friends I was a psychotic drunk

And I was, drunk on fear and adrenaline,

Them pretending they didn’t see the bruises, the pain

As if I wasn’t crying in corners, while you smiled and danced

Making memories without me, though I was central to them

How is this love?

How am I supposed to believe you genuinely care?

Like all of the adults tell me, because all I feel is genuine hate

Bubbling from your chest and into my body, sticky and suffocating

Because parents are supposed to love their children

Not break their bodies till they cannot function

Without ten separate doctors, physical therapy,

And two sessions a week in your grippy socks

You burn in your fire, lit by your guilt

And you ask for the river of my forgiveness

To wash you clean, to snuff it out

But you haven’t even taken the time to change your underwear.

